0580184057: in progress
Last night, I finished my first real painting in London!I started this one (and two others I'm in the process of finishing up) back in California. It's the third (and final) in a series; the other two are 4970006670 and 0350200450. I was all excited about what I was painting......in fact I was so excited that I couldn't stop myself, and I continued painting long past when I should have stopped, and I ruined it. Sad me!Then I was about to leave for the summer in London, but I reeeeeeally wanted to finish this trio before I left. I ran to the art store and got a new canvas, and quickly got to work on it...painted much more quickly than I usually do but was thrilled with the results. Feeling super-triumphant, I placed the new painting next to the first two, and saw...
That's it there in the middle. I'd bought the wrong size of canvas. Wah-wahhh. (And the first wrong one is on the far right. There is way, way too much white paint on it...it just doesn't look like the right number at all.)I spent the summer in London thinking about this and wishing I'd been able to finish it up before I left. So when I went back briefly to pack up for my move, I again got a new canvas (more carefully this time) and set to work. I got a lot done, but wasn't able to actually wrap it up before I left. Changing continents is a lot of work!So, when I got my art stuff into my flat and got all set up, this was my first order of business. All it needed were a couple of layers of white paint (and this time I was careful not to let my enthusiasm run away with me) and the numbers. I had to order balsa wood online from Amazon because I have no idea where to get it here, and wait for that, then paint, cut out, and attach the numbers.
...and I'll show the final piece tomorrow!