Array Interactive shoot
Saturday, Emily and I did a shoot for our friends at Array Interactive. We needed to get some standard headshots, but their direction was "we want to look cool".We shot in two locations: the San Jose Diridon train station (for their cement, hard-cornered tunnel and for a "going places" feel I wanted to try), and the top floor of a parking structure in downtown San Jose for the views and urban feel.The headshots turned out nicely--shot in low light as the sun was already down (this was the last thing on our schedule), but with my 5d Mark II's high ISO capabilities and a 50mm f/1.8 lens, it worked well. I'd been shooting with my flash wirelessly but went for ambient light in this case (you can see the flash in my back pocket).Came out like this:
The most fun was in the tunnel, though!
We got some other fun stuff as well, and it was good practice at combining ambient and flash light.
Dumo even breakdanced!