Historical baseball
While walking around in Burlingame over the weekend, I stumbled upon a game of "historical baseball". They play with the rules and equipment of the 1860's. That means gloves are literally just that...gloves. No fancy mitts. No shin guards. Bats are 40-ounce and higher. And the umpire wears a top hat!There were even people in the stands in historical attire. I sat down near them, unsure of what I was watching, and said, "Good afternoon. I can't help but notice that I have hot pink hair, and he (pointing at umpire) is wearing a top hat. Something seems amiss. What's going on?" That broke the ice and we chatted for some time while I got my camera ready.
Following the game, I became the impromptu team photographer. So much fun! They play again in a couple of weekends and I plan to make it out to catch that.